Financial results - SINTEZA S.A.

Financial Summary - Sinteza S.a.
Unique identification code: 67329
Registration number: J05/197/1991
Nace: 2014
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Sinteza S.a. - Unique Identification Number 67329: 14.595.814 euro, registering a net profit of -21.439.012 euro and having an average number of 79 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Fabricarea altor produse chimice organice, de baza having the NACE code 2014.


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 51.929.487 52.428.256 51.232.446 47.175.001 43.100.924 41.427.562 46.976.399 41.784.241 37.395.913
CAPITALURI - TOTAL, din care: 72.905.588 64.118.547 46.807.362 40.221.702 36.656.179 31.572.657 40.158.977 38.684.339 28.400.441
Capital subscris varsat 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889 9.916.889
Cifra de afaceri neta 27.269.220 26.647.594 26.104.964 27.072.366 22.494.407 21.978.579 42.657.990 38.552.939 14.595.814
VENITURI TOTALE 28.908.777 51.593.709 24.170.571 28.471.988 24.583.639 20.500.840 43.335.385 43.701.361 18.686.159
CHELTUIELI TOTALE 28.794.496 45.598.909 29.824.200 33.086.017 28.825.039 25.704.141 42.054.834 45.740.358 29.694.874
Profit brut 114.281 5.994.800 0 0 0 0 1.280.551 0 0
Pierdere bruta 0 0 5.653.629 4.614.029 4.241.400 5.203.301 0 2.038.997 11.008.715
Profit net 15.825 2.760.412 0 0 0 0 1.313.111 0 0
Pierdere neta 0 0 5.595.140 4.607.158 4.061.287 5.170.629 0 2.088.497 10.719.506
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 43.233.465 25.222.731 12.658.975 11.431.697 9.932.190 7.246.334 11.111.364 10.663.767 6.034.961
Numar mediu de salariati 88 86 84 85 86 89 80 90 79
Stocuri 24.028.022 10.380.468 7.904.273 6.760.123 6.841.655 4.098.887 4.272.382 4.905.380 4.759.051
Creante 18.631.083 11.740.766 4.503.438 4.606.097 3.052.091 3.114.944 5.979.614 4.544.181 1.052.742
Casa si conturi la bãnci - 3.101.497 251.264 65.477 38.444 32.503 859.368 1.214.206 223.168
Casa si conturi la banci 574.360 - - - - - - - -
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS 535.745 434.940 343.402 353.543 225.379 205.042 128.601 141.146 99.828
DATORII 22.756.774 13.950.271 17.009.460 18.474.711 16.464.919 17.121.687 17.764.851 13.647.138 14.811.425
VENITURI IN AVANS 36.335 17.109 281.102 82.595 30.820 78.298 37.166 77.409 197.811
PROVIZIOANE - - 136.899 181.233 106.575 106.296 255.370 180.268 121.025

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